Saturday, November 24, 2007

Let the silly season begin

Last night we officially started the Christmas festivities with the kids Christmas party at their daycare. Despite the heavy rain it was a great evening complete with an African drummer, a dance performance with Lachie and Piper showing their groove thing, face painting, Spiderman jumping castle and of cause Santa. All the children received a lovely book from the centre and a good time was had by all. Tonight Aunty Tan has babysitting duties while we go out for my work Christmas dinner. And then the social engagement keep flowing. Just love it!!!
Hope all is well and happy your end.
here's the first of my Merry Christmas greetings,

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Wow another blog so soon!!!

Now with my flash new equipment (thank you my darling hubby) I feel energised to blog away.

Just a few shots, Lachie at a playgroup birthday party, really getting into his tiger character. And at Steve and Tarn's wedding in Sawtell last month. All good here just waiting for Piper to wake so we can head over to a friends place for a BBQ.

Talk soon

Ang xxxx

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Don't believe everything you read however well meaning.

I am pretty sure that unless I contact you and let you know that there's a new message on my blog you would have all given up checking it out. And who can blame you my last message suggested I would post more regularly but what can I say lifes busy and the time to play on the internet very very short soooooo I will do what I can but no promises. We are all good here (just had to stop potential problem as Lachie and Piper fight, I mean play.) I have just finished a major online course for work. Did I mention it was huge. It has been going since June I think and the last month I have been completely absorbed with it. Handed it in last week so fingers crossed. Now I have this free time! I should be cleaning and organising but playing online is more appealing at the moment. Hope all is well with you and your fam.
Talk soon (I hope)
A photo of Lachie 'Harry Potter' and Piper 'I have a new dress'.