Monday, April 23, 2007

Keeping it regular

Hi all, well things are still manic but I am determined to put a little pressure on the breaks so lets see how we go. There's nothing visual this week as I still have to download all the party photos so the camera is full but I just wanted to try and write at least once a week otherwise before I know it a month or 2 have flashed by. Lachie and Piper do a extra class at kindy which is dancing. Lachie thinks its fine but apparently Piper is quite taken with it and only wants Miss Rena (the dance teacher) once her lesson is over. We had a quieter weekend which was nica as every morning Lachie asks 'Where are we going today?' so its kind of a treat to not really have any particular plans and things just happen. Well, next week there's bound to be more snap shots.
Talk soon

1 comment:

gypsyangel said...

Hi Ang, I am blog hopping today and actually found your blog through Aliesha Barry's blog. I love your pics, check out my blog if you get time and say hello.
